Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week of 11/9/08

Was that an unusual week or was it the way life will be from now on for me? It started out by my wife (Gerry) noticing some unexplained changes in my demeanor. We made an appointment with my MD and got in that afternoon. After a short conversation he asked me if the current work, election or stock market conditions were bothering me. I said yes but told him that I do not dwell on what I have no control over. I didn't discuss it with him but I also feel secure that the Lord will take care of everything. The end of the visit had me billed for the copay and my anti-depressant was doubled.
We are losing money faster than it grew in the market an all this week I felt like my employer was trying to find a cost effective way to fire me. Even though we are retirement age the job situation is more of a concern to me. I hate to fail! We we loose our retirement funding and I need to work until I drop, that is not my fault and I can live with it.
Our son that lives 4 hours away was going to visit Saturday and I had seriously considered asking him not to came. I had an experience at work that I told a customer one thing and three people thought I had said another. I attempted to extend a compliment but these people all thaught I had insulted the customer. I immediately apologized! I never want to hurt the feelings of any of my family.
I told one of my fellow employees how I felt about the emplyor trying to fire me. Jeremiah looked at me a told me that I was reading more into some comments than I should. About 15 minutes later the son of the owner came down, shook his fist at me (jokingly) and told me "You know we value everything you do". I replied "I don't think so" and he was gone. Kind of a self ful fill profocy I'm thinking!

1 comment:

Bill Craig said...


This is a test to see if it goes through.
